US - Netflix has announced that they will be hosting a panel in the 2019 E3, and people are curious to find out what they have in store for gaming fans. Their panel is entitled, “Bringing Your Favorite Shows to Life: Developing Netflix Originals into Video Games.”
In the last few years, we have seen the amazing rise of streaming service Netflix to worldwide popularity. It is now available in almost every country in the world, and has offices in several different global locations. The Netflix brand has become a household name everywhere, and you’d be hard pressed to find a person of any age who hasn’t heard the name even once.
Among the things that have made Netflix so well-known across the demographics are their original films and TV series. They have proven to be so good at providing consumers with excellent content that more and more people are now choosing to check out Netflix Originals in lieu of going to the cinema to watch mainstream films.
The popularity of Netflix makes it almost inevitable for the company to branch out into other endeavors. One logical way for them to move forward is to go into other forms of entertainment, and that is exactly what they have done. Netflix has recently entered the world of video games.
Just as it makes sense for Netflix to expand their reach by going into the video game business, it also makes sense for major players in the video game industry to work on partnering with the media company on gaming projects. Netflix has already invaded just about every device and platform currently available. Translating their original films and TV series into video game format shouldn’t be that hard to do.
They have, in fact, recently announced the upcoming release of a video game inspired by one of their most popular series to date—Stranger Things—and the release is set to coincide with the series’ return for its third season in July.
Other than the Stranger Things game, people are expecting news of more games to be announced during the Netflix E3 panel. This is in light of a staged banter between Netflix and E3 on Twitter a few days ago, where Netflix mentioned that they had “some gaming news in the works”. The title of their panel also points to the possibility of more adaptations following the Stranger Things game.
Many Netflix fans are also wondering if the company will use the panel as the venue where they will finally reveal their digital platform for the Nintendo Switch. An apparent leak back in June 2018 suggested that there was a Netflix app on its way to the Switch, but there has been no evidence or news about such an app since then.
Considering that Sony and EA have decided to skip this year’s E3, the presence of Netflix is certainly welcome news. And while Netflix has said not too long ago that they have no plans of going into gaming, it’s certainly looking more and more like they have changed their mind.